By Theodore Dreiser
Cập nhật ngày: 03/11/2010
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad.
Cập nhật ngày: 03/11/2010
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
Women in Love is a novel by British author D. H. Lawrence published in 1920. It is a sequel to his earlier novel The Rainbow (1915), and follows the continuing loves and lives of the Brangwen sisters, Gudrun and Ursula. Gudrun Brangwen, an artist, pursues a destructive relationship with Gerald Crich, an industrialist. Lawrence contrasts this pair with the love that develops between Ursula and Rupert Birkin, an alienated intellectual who articulates many opinions associated with the author. The emotional relationships thus established are given further depth and tension by an unadmitted homoerotic attraction between Gerald and Rupert. The novel ranges over the whole of British society at the time of the First World War and eventually ends high up in the snows of the Swiss Alps. (Summary by Wikipedia)
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
If you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry “Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!”
— Thomas Parke D’Invilliers.
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
Title: Molly Make-Believe Author: Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
First published anonymously, March 1880, and soon in various unauthorized editions. It wasn"t until the 1925 edition that Adams was listed as author. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life."--it was very popular, as readers tried to guess who the author was and who the characters really were. Chapters XII and XIII were originally misnumbered.
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
Reviving languorous dreaming Of conquered, conquering eye, Upon thy forehead gleaming, Two fairest love-locks lie.
Cập nhật ngày: 01/11/2010
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge
Cập nhật ngày: 21/10/2010